The Dark Kings

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The Dark Kings roster 

3Zharkhorth Stonetooth
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard00021990k
12The Butcher
player avatarEnslaved Minotaur
5528Loner, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal000015150k
2Rhaggrund Firehammer
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4328Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow-1 Av000411390k
player avatarHobgoblins
6336Block, Kick-1 Av040212180k
player avatarBull Centaur Blitzers
6429Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull, Block010018150k
player avatarBull Centaur Blitzers
6429Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull, Block000204150k
player avatarHobgoblins
6337Block, Sure Hands420011580k
4Ghagrakka Harshface
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard01020790k
1Garzharr Blackbeard
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard00011790k
6Darggrund Deadeye
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull1 Ni00020470k
5Dardrakk the Undying
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull00010270k
player avatarHobgoblins

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Team info and statistics
Coach ThoR
Race Chaos Dwarf
League HammerTime Cafe Blood Bowl Liga
Ready Yes
TV 1450
Treasury 30k
Apothecary Yes
Re-roll 2
Fan factor 9
Assistant Coach 0
Cheerleader 0

Played 10
WIN% 45.0%
ELO 190.61
W/L/D 3/4/3
W/L/D Streaks 2/3/2
Won tours 0
Latest tour Alapszakasz
Tours played Alapszakasz
Prizes None
Is famous No