Memorable matches
Which matches are worth remembering in terms of most TDs, killed and so on?
Most touchdowns
Eldamar Lordjai |
3 - 3 |
Unholy Bonds |
BPC2020 - Mérkőzések, Thu Feb 27 2020,
Most completions
Eldamar Lordjai |
4 - 2 |
Grimmék Állatkertje |
BPC2020 - Mérkőzések, Wed Feb 12 2020,
Most interceptions
More than 3 matches have the same record or no record exists at all.
Largest team income
More than 3 matches have the same record or no record exists at all.
Largest gate
Mérgezés |
140k |
Fegyencváros |
BPC2020 - Mérkőzések, Sat Feb 1 2020,
Most RL fans/spectators
More than 3 matches have the same record or no record exists at all.
Largest TV difference in which underdog won
Éhes gombócok |
690k - 1100k |
Fegyencváros |
BPC2020 - Mérkőzések, Thu Feb 27 2020,
Most casualties
The Tainted Sons |
7 - 3 |
Grimmék Állatkertje |
BPC2020 - Mérkőzések, Fri Jan 24 2020,