Széllovasok - Queens of the Jungle

Teams:SzéllovasokQueens of the Jungle
Races:Wood ElfAmazon

League: Cantina Liga 2
Division: Cantina 2
Round: Round 8
Date played:Wed Jul 4 2012 21:13:28
Match report:Download PDF report
Replay:View replay

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Game information
Gate  k
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Total team CAS FAME TVs Concede Game
Széllovasok k 10-1 k
Queens of the Jungle k 10-1 k
Széllovasok report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki Inj
1 Hurrikán Sileas War Dancers
2 Monszun Viellindra War Dancers
3 Keleti Szél Aelmoren Throwers
4 Tájfun Daeldra Catchers
5 Tornádó Caollis Catchers
6 Sirokkó Tarilas Linemen
7 Inollis Linemen
8 Hamszin Gelfindrol Linemen [MNG]
9 Zefír Elborel Linemen
10 Laelle Linemen [MNG]
11 Nimrallon Linemen
13 Fuvallat Imloren Linemen
16 Fergeteg Findranel Linemen

 MNG   Journeyman   Used journeyman   New skill available 
Star Players:
Inducements: Upkeep Charger: k Treasury deduction: k
Queens of the Jungle report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki Inj
1 Alkaia Koko Kalim Blitzers
2 Marpe Koko Kalim Blitzers
3 Pantariste Koko Kalim Blitzers
5 Celaneo Tribal Linewomen
6 Derinoe Tribal Linewomen
7 Eurybe Tribal Linewomen
8 Lampedo Tribal Linewomen
9 Myrto Tribal Linewomen
10 Clonie Tribal Linewomen
15 Scyleia Eagle Warrior Throwers
16 Mermadalis Eagle Warrior Throwers
17 Eriobea Piranha Warrior Catchers
18 Tecmessa Piranha Warrior Catchers

Star Players:
Inducements: Upkeep Charger: k Treasury deduction: k
Game summary