Nuffling Testművelők Köre - AC of BA

Teams:Nuffling Testművelők KöreAC of BA

League: Nuffle Fantasztikus Ligája
Division: Roze-El Memorial Cup
Round: Round 14
Date played:Thu Nov 12 2015 21:37:41
Match report:Download PDF report
Replay:View replay

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Game information
Gate  k
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Total team CAS FAME TVs Concede Game
Nuffling Testművelők Köre k 10-1 k
AC of BA k 10-1 k
Nuffling Testművelők Köre report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki Inj
1 Jobbláb Trolls
2 Faltörőkos Trolls
3 Waaargh Fanatic
4 Wrumm Looney
5 Ototototoooot Goblins
6 Eee!k Goblins
7 Limbo! Goblins
8 Kicsizöld Goblins
9 Mivaa Goblins
10 Futós Goblins
11 Taknyi Goblins
12 Gwarhöö Goblins
13 Túlélő Goblins
14 Patkányszagú Goblins
15 W!frgh Goblins

Star Players:
Inducements: Upkeep Charger: k Treasury deduction: k
AC of BA report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki Inj
1 Fitzgerald Linemen
2 Floyd Linemen
3 Palmer Throwers
5 Campbell Black Orc Blockers
6 Rucker Black Orc Blockers
7 Okafor Black Orc Blockers
8 Shaughnessy Black Orc Blockers
9 Cromartie Blitzers
10 Mathieu Blitzers
11 Foote Blitzers
12 Peterson Blitzers
14 Ellington Goblin

Star Players:
Inducements: Upkeep Charger: k Treasury deduction: k
Game summary