Lords of Lothern - Rettegők

Teams:Lords of LothernRettegők
Races:High ElfVampire

League: Blood Bowl Liga X
Division: BB X
Tournament:BB X - Mérkőzések
Round: Round 7
Date played:Thu Feb 14 2019 22:05:23
Match report:Download PDF report
Replay:View replay

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Game information
Gate  k
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Total team CAS FAME TVs Concede Game
Lords of Lothern k 10-1 k
Rettegők k 10-1 k
Lords of Lothern report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki Inj
1 Linden Blitzers
2 Calran Blitzers
3 Terryon Linemen
4 Imrich Linemen
5 Celebor Linemen
7 Teclin Throwers
8 Astryd Linemen
9 Aenerissyon Linemen
10 Swiftay Catchers
11 Alyron Catchers
14 Mannalea Throwers

 MNG   Journeyman   Used journeyman   New skill available 
Star Players:
Inducements: Upkeep Charger: k Treasury deduction: k
Rettegők report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki Inj
1 Baron Frigyes Vampire Blitzers
2 Lord Zombor Vampire Blitzers
3 Marquis Oskar Vampire Blitzers
4 Lady Katherine Vampire Blitzers
7 Hajas Thrall Linemen
8 Angyalos Thrall Linemen
9 Rezső Thrall Linemen
10 Imre Thrall Linemen
11 Zsozsó Thrall Linemen
12 Ulrik Thrall Linemen
13 Vince Thrall Linemen
14 Filip Thrall Linemen
15 Denisz Thrall Linemen

Star Players:
Inducements: Upkeep Charger: k Treasury deduction: k
Game summary