Vulcan Warriors

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Vulcan Warriors roster 

player avatarHobgoblins
player avatarHobgoblins
player avatarHobgoblins
player avatarHobgoblins
6337Sure Hands030201360k
3Kirgund Widowmaker 
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull00010270k
5Azakil Bonecruncher 
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull00010270k
6Lufin Bristlebeard 
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull00000070k
7Thrakbal Skullcrusher 
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4328Block, Tackle, Thick Skull-1 Av00001570k
8Geggus Deathdealer 
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
3329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull-1 Ma00000070k
4Ekalim The Mad 
player avatarChaos Dwarf Blocker
4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow000321690k
1Grimdur Hornhead 
player avatarBull Centaur Blitzers
6429Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull010003130k
2Zelazad Thunderfoot 
player avatarBull Centaur Blitzers
6429Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull, Block0102217150k

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Team info and statistics
Coach Vihar
Race Chaos Dwarf
League Budapest Liga 2013
Ready Yes
TV 1180
Treasury 160k
Apothecary No
Re-roll 3
Fan factor 7
Assistant Coach 0
Cheerleader 0

Played 8
WIN% 37.5%
ELO 197.91
W/L/D 3/5/0
W/L/D Streaks 2/1/1
Won tours 0
Latest tour Versenyfordulók
Tours played Versenyfordulók
Prizes None
Is famous No